Empowering our food allergy kids is an important step in their journey, but how do we do it? Discover what worked for us as I look back over 17 years.
5 Tips For Hosting Christmas Dinner, Allergy-Free
Cooking a big celebration meal like Christmas dinner isn’t as hard as you think with these 5 time-management and organization tips, even if you’ve never done it before!
Staying Positive When Others Don't Make Food Allergy Accommodations
Food Allergy Podcast: Safe & Worry-Free Living For Allergy Families
Discover your best life with this food allergy podcast hosted by Corinna from Friendly Pantry Consulting Inc. It’s the best allergies podcast for families.
Unique Non-Edible Halloween Treats That Kids Love
Discover non-edible Halloween treats that kids want more than candy. Non-candy Halloween treat alternatives don't have to be a downer!
Empathy: Why Is It Important to Know About Food Allergies?
Spark Food Allergy Awareness in Family and Friends
Learn to increase food allergy awareness so that your extended family finally understands how serious food allergies are.
8 Tips For Eating Out With Food Allergies For Families
For families who want to know how do you eat out with food allergies. You’ll discover 10 tips to make dining out with food allergies easier and less scary.
Part 3-Easy Tips for Navigating Social Events With Your Food Allergy Child - Mini-Series
I’m not perfect when it comes to social events and food allergies, but I’ve learned a few things that have helped so much over the years! I’m sharing my best tips in this 3-part series where we learn how to get others to take food allergies seriously. Read more…
Part 2-Easy Tips for Navigating Social Events With Your Food Allergy Child - Miniseries
Navigating social events with food allergies can be one of the most overwhelming and difficult things we do as food allergy moms. Each event is unique and we often find that we have to start over with educating for EVERY EVENT. Not only that, but each event is usually focused on food which makes it even harder to manage. One question I OFTEN think is: why does everything have to revolve around food? Part 2 of 3 in a series.