What Food Allergy Moms Can Do During A Pandemic Instead Of Worry - 6 Things To Keep Your Food Allergy Child Safe Anytime
At the moment I write this, Canada and US are at home for an unknown amount of time due to CoronaVirus. Most things are shut down, including schools, libraries and events. No, it’s not ideal, and yes, it is affecting things greatly. It’s causing a lot of worry and uncertainty, and I know it’s stressful, mama. This is honestly the last thing you needed right now.
But I want to paint a different picture.
Specifically, I want to ask you whether your worry has helped you so far? If you really think about it, has it helped you in any way? If you’re being honest with yourself, you’re shaking your head right now. So I want to challenge you to change your thought patterns. I know that’s easy to say as you read this and I feel so far away from you. But, I strongly believe that we don’t have to worry our time away.
I challenge you to USE this time.
Maybe it’s hard to even think of doing that because you don’t know what to focus on.
Which is where this blog post comes in. I want to give you something OTHER than the pandemic to focus on. By doing this, I’m hoping that you’ll be able to stop worrying in the short term, AND make life better for yourself when things get more “normal” again.
We will move forward and although I don’t know when, we’ll look back on this as a pivotal point in history.
I’ve brainstormed list of things you can focus on right now so you can be focused, calm and productive instead of worrying, and I’ve put it into a must-have free checklist that you can use to keep track of what you’ve done (This is no longer available). It has all the direct links for trusted resources you need so you don’t get stuck.
Now, read on to find out how you can stop the worry and be focused, productive, and calm during this time and EVEN keep your child safer when things get back to normal (and as I said before, things WILL get back to normal!).
Things Food Allergy Families Can Do During a Pandemic Instead Of Worry
Learn what a food allergy is. Know how it's similar & different from a food intolerance/sensitivity since these are often confused, and you'll want to be able to explain the differences.
2. Print an emergency plan from FARE or Food Allergy Canada and make copies so you can use it when school and activities start again.
3. Make sure you understand and know symptoms of an allergic reaction & anaphylaxis (you'll find this on the emergency plan).
4. Learn how to cook from scratch with simple ingredients. Simple ingredients are affordable and THE EASIEST way to cook when managing food allergies. If you’re struggling to find boxed foods that are safe for your child’s allergens, you need to know how to cook from scratch! Get affordable, step-by-step help in the 90-Minute Variety Booster.
5. Check your epinephrine injectors and other medication expiry dates. Put a reminder in your calendar to get new ones when they expire. Order a trainer from your epinephrine provider so you can practice or have it on hand to show others when things return to normal (Get one for EpiPen here).
6. Draft an email for child's caregivers, teachers, family & friends about how to keep your child safe when activities start up again.
A couple of bonus tips to help you get through this pandemic:
Seek out an online church service. Here’s a great one my church did a few weeks ago called Standing Over Fear. It will help!
Don’t forget about family time and bonding. This is your opportunity to improve your relationship with your kids AND teach them about food allergies!
I encourage you not to focus on worry and instead focus on things that will help you once things get back to normal.
We’re in this together!
Let me know in the comments what you’ll do first in the list above. I can’t wait to hear!
PLEASE read and SHARE this post with other food allergy moms and food allergy groups. Sharing IS a great way to help other food allergy moms because they need this help right now. Thank you so much!
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