Friendly Pantry Food Allergy Consulting Inc.

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Part 3-Easy Tips for Navigating Social Events With Your Food Allergy Child - Mini-Series

Easy Tips for Navigating Social Events With Your Food Allergy Child Mini-Series

Part 3

Navigating social events with food allergies can be one of the most overwhelming and difficult things we do as food allergy moms. Each event is unique and we often find that we have to start over with educating for EVERY EVENT. Not only that, but each event is usually focused on food which makes it even harder to manage. One question I OFTEN think is: why does everything have to revolve around food?

Needless to say, social events with a food allergy child can be exhausting and overwhelming, to say the least.

This is why I thought I would do a miniseries with specific and EASY tips for navigating social events with your food allergy child.

Social events are an ongoing issue with food allergies which means we can always use a new perspective on how to manage them well.   

Just a quick note: I’ve written specific blog posts about a lot of events like BBQs, Weddings, Birthday Parties and Playdates specifically so make sure to read those by clicking on the word’s “Social Events” on the right of this blog to read them.

Watch this quick video where I go into more detail here:

See this content in the original post

I remember back when my daughters were first diagnosed with food allergies.  My girls were babies and toddlers and social situations were so completely daunting and scary.  

We were the only ones in our social group and families with severe allergies so I found it really hard to let people know what we needed.  

I would go between being really relaxed on the outside (but freaking out on the inside at the event) to being OVERLY demanding.  It took a long, long time to get it right, and honestly, it’s not even perfect now.

But I’m definitely WAAAAY better at it than I was in the beginning.  So I want to share with you the things that I KNOW.  I’m going to give you some social situation solutions and their pros and cons, but this is a series so make sure to read the first post here and the 2nd post about food allergies and social situations here.  

Today lets talk about finding the right solution that works for your family.  

Keep in mind, every solution has its pros and cons and really, you’ll likely want to use a mixture of these based on the event. 

There is no right or wrong solution HERE!! Every event is different and I want to give you some thoughts to consider.

Just a note if you have toddlers - Events can be especially tricky because they like to put things in their mouths.  I know this worry!!  It is hard and if your little is in this stage, you’ll need to watch them closely at any event that isn’t outside the home.  I want to let you know that as they get older and more aware of what they’re doing it does get easier, so take heart!  This is a stage, but I know that it can sometimes seem like it takes forever.  Don’t worry, mama. It will end and it will get easier.

Ok, so here are the 4 options for navigating social events…

  1. Eating before or after the event and coming late or leaving early.  


  • You get to safely eat together as a family.  

  • Everyone is comfortable and nobody has to worry about additional food.

  • This might be work best for a bigger event where you can sneak in and out.


  • Your child may not get used to eating differently than the crowd.  Which means they don’t get used to it for the future (especially the teen years).   Don’t underestimate how important this is!

It can be awkward to come late or leave early.  Of course, if it’s a big event, you can likely sneak in and out, but if it’s smaller you’ll have to make explanations.

2. Bringing your own food.    


  • You can enjoy all the moments of the event.

  • Your child gets used to eating something different from the crowd. Again, super important as your child gets older.


  • It can be awkward to get the food cooked and use someone else’s kitchen.  Especially if it’s in a commercial kitchen.  For example, when I brought our own food to camp it was a bit awkward using their commercial microwave while they were making food in the same space. Nothing I couldn’t handle, but something to consider for sure.

3. Host Events Yourself


  • Everyone eats safely and together.  

  • Everyone can enjoy the event.

  • In my opinion, this is the best option when you have toddlers!  You don’t have to worry about them getting traces of allergens by putting things in their mouths because you’re in your own safe space.


  • It doesn’t allow your child to get used to eating different foods from the crowd.

  • It can get to be a lot to be the host most of the time.  It’s important to pick and choose which events to host and how you can get family and friends to help with things OTHER than the food.

4. Teaching the host how to prep a safe meal.


  • You can eat together and enjoy the event.


  • You may still worry whether the food is truly safe.

  • You may feel like you’re putting extra work on the host.

  • It helps your child see that they can trust others to cook safely.  I feel like this one is important for kids to learn. If they don’t learn this, it can be harder as they get older and need to spread their wings.

  • It takes some time to email and talk back and forth about safe cooking practices and ingredients.

So as you can see there are pros and cons for every solution and what works for one won’t work for the next.  You’ll want to consider all the pros and cons for each event.

No matter what you choose, I want to leave you with this.  You can do it.  You were meant to be the mom of your kids and there’s no one better than you!  Give yourself some grace because you’re doing the best you can with the information you have.

Remember that you may need to pick and choose what you add to your life so you don’t overextend yourself. All of these things really do take extra time and so you’ll need to keep it all in check. 


There are 4 solutions when it comes to attending events with a food allergy little. Read about them now along with their pros and cons. There are a few that you probably didn’t think of!

PLEASE read and SHARE this post with other food allergy moms and food allergy groups.  Sharing IS a great way to help other food allergy moms and increase food allergy awareness.  Thank you so much!  

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